Monday, January 14, 2013

Learning Something New

I love January. It's a great month to start afresh. Or at least start a new blog. I've decided to try a new take on my original blog 52 Ways to Wake Up a Week, in which I tried something new every week for a year. This year, I will keep the concept of a weekly challenge (something I've found to be good for both blogging and life in general), but change up the challenge to learning something new every week for one year. In my quest for learning, I plan to take classes (hence the name of the blog), workshops and visit new places.

In today's world, it's not hard to learn something new. Why just this morning I learned on the Internet why it would be possible to mint a trillion dollar coin to avert the debt ceiling. I'm fuzzy on the details, but I did learn something. In fact, that seems to be the nature of a lot of our daily learning--we kind of learn a little bit but don't get much out of it.

Last year I learned a few things while trying something new every week. I learned to make a paperweight with hot glass, as seen in the photo on the left. I took a class on sailing (that's me on the right with our instructor and another student.) I went to England and learned a whole lot including what a full English breakfast is (see left) and that it is appropriately named since it kept me full from the time I ate it until dinner time. And I went to Oklahoma and learned quite a bit about Tulsa, and also how to ride a horse.  Well, I tried riding a horse, anyway. Not sure I actually learned how.

I want this blog to be different from my last blog in that I will take more classes and make a concerted effort at learning new things rather than just trying things.

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